🌳Preparing the Ground for Success!
We are excited to share that, in collaboration with the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops and with the expertise of Milorad Živanov, Agricultural Engineer and Research Assistant in Soil Science, we have been conducting soil compaction assessments using a soil penetrometer. This advanced tool has provided us with crucial insights into the soil’s condition, allowing us to plan the optimal type and method of treatment for establishing our orchard.

The results have confirmed our expectations: due to the plot’s long history of crop production, a “plow pan” has developed below 30 centimeters. This layer, compacted by the pressure from wheels during plowing, is precisely where the walnut tree’s root system will grow. Ensuring that this layer supports the root system is essential for healthy growth.
We are now taking the next steps to break up this compacted layer and prepare the soil to fully support the development of the walnut roots.
A special thanks to Milorad Živanov and the Institute for their valuable collaboration. We are thrilled to move forward with this important progress!
Stay tuned for more positive updates!