Start investing in your future today

Grow walnut trees with us. Expand your portfolio with our fully-managed walnut plantations.
Make long-term profits.


Investing from all around the world

The Walnut Fund welcomes clients from all around the world to take part in establishing modern high-yielding walnut plantations. Following the plantation setup, our agriculture experts supervise and tend to the needs of the walnut trees in order to ensure longevity and maximize future gains.

When the plantation produces walnuts, The Walnut Fund takes its share of the profit only after reimbursing you first and returning your initial investment.

From idea to investment in 3 easy steps

Place an order

Determine how many walnut trees you want to own and talk to our advisor.

Plantation setup

We plant your walnut trees. Our walnut experts are making sure that they are taken care of.

Collect 50-50

The walnut fund and you both receive an equal share of all future profits, split 50 – 50. Best of all, we only take our share of profits after you have received your initial investment back.

Cash flow forecast and investment pitch desk

Download the 10 years cash flow forecast and investment pitch deck and get detailed insights into your investment.

Investment life cycle


Plantation setup

At this stage, you have placed an order for your walnut tree saplings. We will plant them in the first upcoming planting window.
Plantation setup
1 – 3 Years

Developing the root system

Your walnut trees are getting bigger and bigger. Although already able to produce walnuts, we prevent them from doing so in order to develop their root system (ensuring maximum future yield).
Developing the root system
4 – 7 Years


Your walnut trees have developed enough to make some serious yield. In this period, you can expect to receive a full return on investment.
40+ years of yield
7 – 40+ Years

The golden years

Your walnut trees are fully mature and are producing anywhere between 50 and 100 pounds (25 and 40 kilograms) annually.
Walnuts are very resistant to pests
1 / 4

ROI calculator

Get an approximation of what your walnut trees will bring you

Mature tree yield 25kg

Walnut price

Total trees (regular + free)

To invest


CO2 offset

Return / year

P&L Statement

The above figures represent estimates of yearly returns following the profit split with The Walnut Fund company.

Do you want to invest more than €100,000?

Earn free trees

Invite friend
1. You invite friends
Buy trees
2. They buy trees
Get free trees
3. You get free trees

Full ROI no matter what

Risk mitigation

Risk mitigation

The calculation of yearly dividends is based on a percentage ownership stake in the plantation,  not on an individual “tree yield” basis.

This means that in case something happens to your tree/trees, you will not be left empty-handed.

We ensure that you receive your entitled profits, and we will replant your trees.



As an additional line of defense from unforeseen circumstances, The Walnut fund covers all insurance-related costs until the plantation has reached self-sustainability.

In case of force majeure, insurance settlements paid out to  The Walnut Fund, will be divided among investors.

Choose your investment future

Passive income and yield

Walnut farming is a substantial source of passive income. It might take a couple of years for the yield to start coming in, but when it does, you will enjoy it…

Good for the environment

Everyone should plant at least one tree in his or her lifetime…. And you are going to get paid for doing so.

A gift for the next generation

Not only are you creating equity for yourself, you are also securing future generations to come.

Photo and video updates

The walnut fund prides itself on transparency. With photo and video updates directly from the plantation, you will follow your walnut trees thoroughly, from planting to harvesting.

Novak Djokovic Foundation

Seeds of Change

Aligned with the Novak Djokovic Foundation, we’re dedicated to making a meaningful difference. Each investment you make contributes to supporting children’s education and development.

Embark on this journey with us, empowering the lives of young ones around the globe.

Get free trees

Invest today in your walnut trees

Start investing today for as low as 200 EUR – Make profits for 40+ years – Leave something for future generations!