Fully Managed Walnut Plantations

The Walnut Fund is the world-first Online Agriculture Investment Platform that allows you to invest in fully managed walnut plantations.

Meet the team

Damjan Radojevic

Damjan Radojević


Lazar Milosevic

Lazar Milošević


Milan Zikic

Milan Žikić


Dusan Jokic

Dušan Jokić


Ivana Radojevic

Ivana Radojević

Irrigation Engineer

Ivan Marilo

Ivan Marilo

Food Technology Engineer

Ante Lucic

Ante Lučić

Managing Partner

Ugljesa Sabljic

Uglješa Sabljić

Agricultural Engineer

Stojan Ostojić

Stojan Ostojić

Plantation Maintenance

About - Walnut Fund

About The Walnut Fund

It all started with four friends that were passionate about agriculture and had an idea to co-invest in a walnut plantation. Thinking hard and long about the idea, we came up with a better one! Why not expand the amazing opportunity to people worldwide, a so-called “walnut cloud farming” model that lets agriculture enthusiasts and investors alike join in on the action.

Thus, The Walnut Fund was born!

Walnut plantations

Walnut plantations have shown to be a worthwhile investment opportunity. With the first harvest at year four vegetation, this tree can economically produce walnuts for the next 40+ years.
Not only do our plantations provide a steady and secure source of passive income, but the trees themselves also attribute greatly to the environment and ecosystem.

Following many sleepless nights calculating and analyzing, the walnut fund has come up with not only a sustainable yet highly profitable investment model.
Calculated on an average 180 € price tag per tree (our 10+1 tree package), The Walnut Fund can effectively execute all of the necessary steps needed to establish and maintain a production-intense walnut plantation.

Walnut plantations

Once the plantation becomes self-sustainable – Year 4, the profits are first used to reimburse investors, and only then does the walnut fund begin taking its share of the profits.

Backed by a team of renowned experts in the fields of agriculture, food quality, business, marketing, and planning that have solidified their careers working with walnut plantations, we can say that we have a team that will make any future plantation a success!

Our core values

Wellbeing Authenticity Liberty Nurture Unity Transparency


We are committed to creating a better future for generations to come. In the meantime, we prioritize the health and happiness of all our employees and stakeholders. We believe that our sustainable agriculture investment model contributes to everyone’s financial, personal, and environmental wellbeing in the long run.


We take pride in our unique story and have developed a distinctive sustainable agriculture investment model. We prioritize genuine and honest intentions in all our business practices and strive to build trust with our stakeholders through authentic communication.
Contact us - The Walnut Fund


Our sustainable agriculture investment model is designed to enhance our investors’ resilience, financial freedom, and independence, particularly in challenging times. We prioritize liberty on all levels and aim to empower our stakeholders to make informed decisions and plan for their future.


Just as we nurture our saplings and money-making trees to secure returns, we are equally committed to nurturing the environment and communities where we operate to create sustainable and long-lasting positive impacts.


We are in this together with all our investors, sharing a common goal and a commitment to sustainable agriculture investments. We believe that teamwork and collaboration are essential to achieving our vision, and we are fully invested in this journey alongside our stakeholders.


At our core, we value transparency and accountability in all our business dealings. We uphold ethical standards, take responsibility for our actions, and provide clear and accurate information to our investors about our investments and operations. We believe that transparency is vital in building trust and fostering long-term relationships with our stakeholders.
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Mission statement

We empower individuals and organizations to take control of their financial future by offering a unique sustainable agriculture investment opportunity that generates steady returns, builds wealth, and has a positive impact on the environment.

We aim to create a better future for generations to come while delivering financial prosperity to our stakeholders.


At The Walnut Fund, we envision a future where sustainable agriculture is the gold standard for investment. Through our pioneering efforts, we deliver reliable and significant returns for our investors while promoting positive change in the market and the environment. Our legacy of financial prosperity and innovation is rooted in the cultivation of walnut trees, unlocking the potential of sustainable agriculture investments for future generations.

We invite you to join us in shaping the future of agriculture investment, where profitability and environmental responsibility go hand in hand.

Company Timeline

The first trees

In a country where agriculture and farming has a long tradition, and alongside the help and support of family members that have been historically involved in the walnut business, The Walnut…

2017 – 2019
The business is growing

What began as a small investment and pilot project grew into an elaborate concept that would unite “green” investors and agriculture gurus throughout the world. We began assembling a team of…

The Walnut Fund is born

Having everything that we needed we were ready to share our concept with the world. Our love for walnut farming was no longer something that we could keep to ourselves. The…

Our new home

In order to be closer to operations and gain strategic advantage when searching for suitable land, we moved our headquarters to the European Union – Zagreb, Croatia.

First collectively funded plantation

A significant milestone in our history occurred in 2022 when we launched our first collectively funded plantation with a 5000+ planted trees. This landmark project was realized through the power of…

The Expansion Continues

In 2023, we embarked on a new chapter of growth with our second collectively funded plantation. Through crowdinvesting, a synergy of stakeholders played an integral role in this venture. This not…

Why Walnuts?

Why Walnuts?

Historically Walnuts Have Always Been In High Demand And Short Supply

Due to the three-year waiting period before first harvest, farmers are reluctant to plant this nut-bearing tree. With walnut demand growing on a yearly basis and a stable supply, the market price of walnuts is very consistent.
Historically walnuts have always been in high demand and short supply
Why Walnuts?

Steady Price Throughout The Year

The advantage with walnuts is that they are not perishable. The price of any commodity fluctuates throughout the year with regard to supply and demand. Within their shell walnuts can stay up to 20 months. This allows us to sell when the price is at a maximum. Additionally there are no losses during transport or warehousing.
Walnut in basket
Why Walnuts?

Harvesting Is Completely Mechanized

Walnut harvesting is done mechanically. This is an enormous advantage as labor costs are minimized and profits remain unaffected.
Harvesting is completely mechanized
Why Walnuts?

Walnuts Are Very Resistant To Pests

In comparison to other fruit-bearing trees the walnut is very resistant to pests, disease and natural elements. Walnuts are considered one of the safest and most reliable farmable goods.
Walnuts are very resistant to pests
Why Walnuts?

Walnuts Have Many Uses And Are Not Dependent Of Only One Industry

Here is a brief summary of the many uses for walnuts: The bulk of walnuts are used in the production of walnut oil. Walnuts are abundantly used in the cosmetic industry. Walnut is regarded as some of the highest quality and most expensive wood stock. Trees have sold for as much as ten thousand dollars! Walnut shells can be used to produce high quality heating pellet.
Walnuts have many uses
Why Walnuts?

Minimal Risk Of Frost Damage

Walnut trees bloom late and there is minimal risk of frost damage to the nuts and flowers. Walnut trees do not depend on honeybees as they are wind pollinated by pollinizer trees.
Invest now
Minimal risk of frost damage
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By planting trees we….

1. Help solidify the ground structure
2. Inhibit soil erosion
3. Enable the land to absorb more water
4. Cleanse the air and lower overall temperature levels
5. Help heal the biosphere
6. Maintain biological diversity and help upkeep a healthy ecosystem
7. Lower the risk of flood damage
8. Help minimize greenhouse effects
9. Upkeep spiritual, cultural and social values

And beyond

Not only do we think global, but our platform is international. The idea originated in California, headquarters are in Croatia and operations in Serbia. We believe that great people, great products, and great businesses can come from anywhere! So, we encourage you to join the team!



The Walnut Fund works to create a company culture that sustains a business savvy yet eco-friendly mindset. We are constantly working at furthering not only our business but our community as well! Our employees have opportunities to attend events, share their work, and take an active role in society.

Our mission is to allow everyone access to the beautiful tradition of walnut cultivation. Tailoring to small and mid-size investors alike, the walnut fund presents an innovative and never before seen approach in the agro-investing environment. We believe that with content investors, a thriving workforce and a happy community the sky is the limit!

Are you ready to invest with us?

Invest in a novel, low-risk enterprise which will pay you back regularly for the next 40+ years to come. And it’s good for the planet, too!